SCREENEZE Zero Clearance Sliding Screen Door
Do you wish you could make more space on your porch or patio? Wouldn’t you like to be able to put decorations or other items on your deck landing – but your swinging screen door is in the way? Screeneze has created a solution for this problem, introducing the Screeneze Sliding Screen Door!
There is now an exterior screen door that boasts a full view door frame, and a barn door style opening with no hinges, door sweeps or closers that collect dust and wear out.
Zero Clearance Sliding Screen Door
If you have a three seasons room, a covered porch, or roof over your deck, and have aspirations to screen it in, but don’t know how you’ll close the entry areas, look no further. This new door by Screeneze is a perfect match for your current situation. This new patented door is easy to operate, takes up very little space, and is simple to assemble.

Screen Doors We All Put Up With
We’ve all used them, and many of us on the regular or daily. There are many options out there, lightweight wood doors, aluminum doors, Steel doors, etc. The list of options then expands, and you have to determine which hardware and whether you desire screen, glass, or both in your screen door.
When installing a typical screen door, many factors come into play. Decisions have to be made on which way the door swings, how big the opening is, and whether there is a landing or stairs outside the door. Screen doors generally require a few square feet of clearance on the inside or outside of the entryway for the door to swing. And, most of these doors are not full view.
Once you decide which door is going to be used, and where it is going to go, installation is not generally very complex. However, once the screen door is installed, it is not likely the last time you will have to worry about it. Many will tell you that depending on the environmental elements including weather, wear and tear, and quality of materials used, these doors may require a good deal of maintenance over time.
Murphy’s Law says that anything that can go wrong, will – and issues with patio doors are no exception to the rule! Latches can lose their stick, patios and decks can settle causing skewed openings, pistons and closers can lose their spring and need seasonal adjustments. Hardware can work it’s way loose or free, and pull away from wood connections. Repair parts for doors can be difficult to find, and matching colors to your existing aesthetic can be a matter of special ordering parts.

We Can Do Better – An EZ Solution
What If you plan to do your project DIY? Maybe you are a contractor closing in a porch or screening a deck for a client. Either way, we highly recommend this new Full View Sliding Screen Door by Screeneze. This new door is modern, innovative, requires no additional space for outswing movement, and the no-spline system makes for clean, seamless screen installation.

Screeneze developed this door after years of research, and many factors to consider and problems to overcome that are prevalent issues for owners, installers, and manufacturers of screen doors. This door needed to be low maintenance, and easy to ship. The door needed to eliminate dead floor space and landing space for swinging doors. This new door ultimately compliments Screeneze’s approach to simplicity.
Simple Screen Door Design Full of Features
There are a number of benefits that this door offers, and we think that this can be an incredible choice for your deck or screened in porch. Here’s a list of all of the features that may help you understand that this sliding screen door is for you.
- Zero Clearance – Keeps openings free and clear, requires no extra space to accommodate for swinging door
- Full View Door Frame – Makes for unobstructed views and large panels for optimum air flow
- Barn Door Style – Can be installed on either the right or left side of opening. This offers a modern upgraded look with concealed ball bearing guides
- Minimal Components – No Hinges to creak or come loose. No Door Sweep to snag or collect debris. No Closer to lose pressure or stick.
- French Door Options – Combine two door kits on opposite sides of patio opening for the ultimate upgrade! Beautiful modern look!
- Interior & Exterior Door – Can be installed inside or outside your screened area
- Multiple Color Options – Choose from any one of the SCREENEZE colors including Bronze, White, Clay, and Sand
The Nuts and Bolts – Ready to Assemble & Install
It’s easy to see the benefits in something like this new Screeneze Screen Door. Is this product it too good to be true? Perhaps you are wondering if the assembly and installation are too much to handle. Screeneze has developed resources that will help you build this door, whether you are a DIYer, or a seasoned contractor. Here are a few of the design features that will make this project easy.

- Pre-Drilled Components – Install confidently knowing the guesswork has been done for you
- Complete Kit – The frame, hardware, and screen are all included in this kit. Just grab your tools!
- Standard Size – Will fit an opening 36” x 80.5”
- Weather Stripping – The door will sit flush on a plumb opening. Weather stripping provides an additional layer of protection from bugs and debris.
- Screeneze Snap Technology – Amongst the best screen systems available – it’s strong, very strong. Easy to stretch and install, keeping wind, kids, dogs out (or in).
The Choice is Yours – Make the ScreenEZe One!
We’ve provided all the information you need. Now you can make informed decisions about how to close a walkway opening in your screened in porch. So what are you waiting for? If you have any more questions, or are looking for a few more details feel free to look through our Resources or reach out to learn more. If this product makes sense for your – Shop Now!
A Good Warranty Equals A Great Screen Door
Screeneze is a brand with great products, that last the test of time and the elements. Here at the Deck Supply, we’ve been selling Screeneze for nearly a decade. It continues to prove itself as the aesthetically pleasing choice for homeowners, and a easy to install design for contractors. Screeneze has held a high standard for their products, and the warranty proves it. For more information on the Screeneze promise of quality, visit our Resource Center.