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Hidden Deck Fasteners

The Noticeable Benefits of Hidden Fasteners

Fasteners and Connectors

November 6, 2024

The Deck Supply - Composite Decking by Fiberon

What’s better than strong connections throughout your deck? Never having to see another screw! Hidden deck fasteners are some of the most popular innovations that are taking our industry by storm. But what does that mean for the future of deck building? The Deck Supply is revealing the top benefits of these hidden fasteners with this easy read!


Rusted screws and built-up debris can compromise the look and lifetime value of your deck. On the other hand, hidden fasteners stay protected by the surrounding components, which minimizes the impact of the elements! These fasteners don’t put any holes in deck boards, maintaining maximum structural strength and minimal hassle if you ever have to replace a screw.


Over the years, screws can come loose, but not for our seasoned dexperts! To ensure a secure fit that stays true, we recommend hidden deck fasteners. Each hidden fastener clips to surrounding support boards to create more points of contact than your average deck screw. They also keep boards evenly spaced to promote a lasting, uniform look. With more points of contact, these fasteners allow for 50% fewer screws needed throughout your design without compromising any quality!


TREX Hideaway Butt Joint Clips. One of our favorite hidden deck fasteners available at The Deck Supply



Stronger, versatile connections are changing the deck building game for good! These fasteners allow for the modern look discerning installers desire most. That’s why The Deck Supply is helping homeowners innovate their deck designs with modern touches made possible by hiding those fasteners. From curved boards to intricate facia designs, our dexperts make it easy to elevate the quality and functionality of your deck with the right fasteners for you!

Our Top Recommendations

Now that you’re acquainted with the quality of hidden deck fasteners, it’s time to look into the components we recommend every day! The Deck Supply is proud to partner with the top manufacturers in the industry to provide our customers with the best solutions for every project. Here are just a few of the fascinating fasteners you’ll find on our showroom floor.


One of the most trusted names in fasteners is driving progress for the best decks we design every day! The CAMO WEDGECLIP drives right into the grooves of any and all deck boards in just one pass. This ensures secure installations at any angle with fewer screws, in less time. Want to see it in action? 

Check out this helpful guide from CAMO!




For the same high-quality connections you’ll find with CAMO’s WEDGECLIP design with a classic look and function, we recommend CAMO EDGE universal clips. These clips attach to any grooved decking to allow for a fastener-free surface with the same quality that makes CAMO famous! Get in the groove with this brief overview.




To make your great outdoors a modern getaway, nothing compares to Trex Hideaway! Each clip is a stitch throughout the intricate design of every deck as each fastener joins grooved Trex boards together with self-gapping technology. In addition to true, lasting connections, this system allows for quick installations with preset stainless steel screws built into every clip! 

Watch this clip in action with Trex’s helpful video.



For consistent, quality connections, the Stowaway is a trusty secret weapon for many installers! These hidden fasteners allow for easy installation with minimal effort by joining grooved boards with one cohesive connector. Each stowaway screw is preloaded in the fastener to eliminate guesswork, predrilling, and countersinking. See how easy installation can be with Deckorators’ detailed guide!

Get the Guide 


CAMO Edge X Clips


We’re Fascinated With Fasteners

The Deck Supply is dedicated to finding the best supplies for every stage of your deck build. From initial design to extra accessories, our team has everything homeowners need to build quality in every community. See why we’re so fascinated by hidden deck fasteners by shopping online or requesting a free quote today!

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