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Deck Checklist

5 Things to Think About When Planning Your Project

Deck Building

December 31, 2024

So you’re ready to make that dream deck a reality. That’s great! But do you know all the ins and outs to make your dream come true without it turning into a nightmare? The Deck Supply does! To elevate your outdoor living, educate yourself with this deck checklist before visiting our showroom.

  • Are you building a new deck, or renovating an existing deck?

From the framing and foundation to materials and HOA mandates, there are so many factors that can affect your design. Renovations are typically more cost effective, but to keep everything up to code and in style, the costs can add up quick!

  • What is the aesthetic you are after?

One defining factor that determines the extent of your project is the overall aesthetic of your build. Keeping your design cohesive with your home and environment is essential for high-quality outdoor living!

Fiberon Decks - Midwest Dealer


  • What is the absolute maximum you intend to spend?

This box on our deck checklist is one of the most defining aspects of your design. Keeping your project under budget and above your expectations is our goal. That’s why we recommend keeping your expectations and budget on the same level.

  • How long do you intend to live in the house where you are building the deck? 

There’s a big difference between a flip and your forever home. While many high-quality composite boards can last for decades, some also come at a higher price! Making a wise investment for every stage in life is just as important to our dexperts as it is to our customers!

  • Are you aware of any local building codes that may impact the building process or timeline?

Sometimes HOA can be a four-letter word. To keep your deck to code, we recommend checking with your neighborhood leaders or city government. We’re happy to help you stay a good neighbor and share guidance on building the best deck on the block!


Quality? Check!

There’s more in store for your outdoor living at The Deck Supply. Considering this deck checklist is a great way to get the conversation started. When you’re ready, talk to the team devoted to checking all of your boxes by visiting a showroom near you, or give us a call!

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